Shop Owner

Attract more clients with a single click

Tired of waiting for clients to find you? Let us put your business on the map! Benefit from free-of-charge placement on Vapross Interactive Map and get noticed by truckers needing help in your area.

Get more clients with free map placement

Increase your reach with free-of-charge placement on our interactive map and TMS servers partnering with us.

Get more clients with free map placement

Improve your credibility based on google maps reviews.

Distinguish your business with Private and Corporate Categorization

We understand the distinctions between Private and Corporate services. This platform helps you attract new clientele no matter the size of your business.

Access analytics and marketing features with our paid options

Take the guesswork out of your business with advanced viewership statistics, and leverage branding opportunities to promote deals and increase revenue.

Join Over 6k+ Shop Owners

Increase your reach with free map placement on Vapross and all our Partners: TMS, Location Directories and other Apps in the Industry.

Interactive Map


Start benefitting from free placement on our Map and on our Partners Directories.


Describe your services, promote your deals, and get access to advanced viewership statistics and marketing features with our paid options.


Connect with more fleet managers and forge new business relationships.

Need to update your location?

Simply press the 'Find My Location' button in the modal. The map will display your current position. You can adjust your location by pressing 'Edit' and updating your information accordingly. This ensures your location details are accurate and easy to find.

Subscribe Plans

Our Pricing Plans


$0 /mo

For Shops looking for a simple placement solution

  • Presence on Map
  • Name of the shop
  • Google ratings
  • Specialised Services
  • Business Card
  • Area Promotion
Join Us Free


$30 /mo

For Shops looking for a Best Placement solution

  • Presence on Map
  • Name of the shop
  • Google ratings
  • Specialised Services
  • Business Card
  • Area Promotion
Get Start Now


$100 /mo

For Shops looking for a Premium Placement solution

  • Presence on Map
  • Name of the shop
  • Google ratings
  • Specialised Services
  • Business Card
  • Area Promotion
Get Start Now

Frequently Asked Questions

The website displays a Google map with locations of various truck repair services posted on it. Users can search for a specific location or browse through the map to find the nearest repair service.
Repair services can also pay for banner ads on the website to promote their business to users.

To add your truck repair service to the map, click on the "Add Your Business" button on the website's homepage. Fill out the required information, including your business name, address, phone number, and website (if applicable).

The cost of banner ads varies depending on the duration of the ad placement and the location of the banner. Please contact the website's customer support for more information.

The website strives to update the map regularly with new truck repair services. However, if you notice a repair service that is not listed, you can submit the information using the "Add Your Business" button.

Currently, there is no mobile app for the website. However, the website is designed to be mobile-friendly and can be accessed on any device with an internet connection.

Ready to get started?

Connect with thousands of happy customers today.

Questions? Call us at 773-232-1160 or email